Norman Chideckel MD Vein Center

Welcome to the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center

Welcome to the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center, a comprehensive vascular practice providing state-of-the-art care to patients throughout the tri-state area. Under the direction of board-certified surgeon Dr. Norman Chideckel, we utilize our advanced skills and many years of experience to help patients achieve clear, beautiful and healthy legs.

With our convenient Manhattan location, Dr. Chideckel offers patients a wide range of services to treat varicose and spider veins, deep vein thrombosis, and other vascular conditions, including:

Dedicated to helping patients achieve their desired results through the most effective and minimally invasive treatments available, Dr. Chideckel and his staff take the time to talk with each individual patient and address any concerns or questions they may have before undergoing treatment. Your comfort and satisfaction are among our top priorities.

To learn more about the services provided by Dr. Chideckel, please contact us to schedule an appointment. We always welcome new patients and look forward to meeting you.

Vascular Surgery & Vein Center
108 East 96th Street
Front 1
New York, NY 10128
Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment.

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Category Archives: Leg Problems

Are Varicose Veins Dangerous?

If the tissues within the skin are swollen or inflamed for a long period of time, it may cause Lipodermatosclerosis, which is an inflammation of the subcutaneous fat. This usually occurs due to venous insufficiency, which is what varicose veins cause due to insufficient blood flow through the veins. The legs may feel sore and swollen and the tissue will feel hard around the leg. This can cause many other conditions such as edema.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

This is the most severe condition caused by varicose veins, hence why they should be treated. Many patients complaining of a “pulling sensation” in their leg and this is caused by a blood clot due to the build-up of blood in the vein. If this blood clot travels up further in the body, especially to the heart, lungs or brain, it can cause life-threatening injuries, as insufficient oxygen is delivered.


When varicose veins are left untreated for a long period of time, it can cause excess blood to leak into the tissues of the affected area. This will cause painful inflammation and swelling of the tissue and the skin can become discolored and dark. Once hyperpigmentation occurs on the skin, it can be hard to get rid of. Although usually medically harmless to the body, it can cause body confidence issues for many people.

Superficial Thrombophlebitis

Superficial Thrombophlebitis is another inflammatory condition caused by a blood clot in the veins beneath the skin. This affects the vein more than the surface of the skin, although the skin may become red around the affected area. The vein may feel very sensitive to touch, which can cause ongoing discomfort. Left untreated, this can cause other complications such as cellulitis, which is a skin infection caused by bacteria.

Leaving varicose veins untreated can cause many other problems within the veins and surrounding tissues. Many problems that occur are very similar and it can be hard to know which one you are suffering from.

Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment with the best Varicose vein treatment doctor in New York City.

What Are the Main Causes of Varicose Veins?

Professionals are unsure why veins become weak and valves allow blood to flow back the way it came, but there are things that increase your chance of having varicose veins. These include being female, being overweight, and being pregnant.

Being Overweight

As varicose veins are caused by the veins weakening whilst fighting against gravity to push the blood back to the heart, having excess fat will mean the veins have an even tougher fight to get that blood back to the heart. Being overweight causes extra pressure to the veins and therefore the valves, meaning over time that these valves may become weaker and allow blood flow to leak back through. Unfortunately, women are more likely to be affected, as overweight women seem to suffer from varicose veins more than men.


When you are pregnant, not only does your body needs to supply blood to its own cells but it also has to supply the baby’s cells for the fetus to thrive and grow. This extra blood flow through the body can cause extra pressure on the veins. Pregnancy also causes hormone levels to increase, causing the blood vessels muscular walls to relax, which is another risk factor for varicose veins. Varicose veins can occur in the pelvic region as the womb begins to grow and the surrounding skin stretches, causing extra pressure on the veins. Most women find once the baby has been born that these varicose veins significantly improve.


As you become older, so does the rest of your body, including your veins. These veins have been working since the moment they were developed in the womb and they never rest. Over time, the valves may become weaker and the veins become less elastic, causing varicose veins to form, especially in the legs.


If you have a job where you are constantly on your feet and standing up, your veins are working against gravity more than someone who has a desk job. This means your veins may be working harder as blood doesn’t flow as easily whilst we are standing.

Many of the causes of varicose veins cannot be helped and cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, women have the biggest risk for varicose veins due to their hormones and bearing a child. If you believe you have varicose veins, contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best varicose vein doctor in New York.

Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment with the best Varicose vein treatment doctor in New York City.

What Are Varicose Veins?

With one in four Americans having varicose veins, it is always useful to know what they are. Whether you have varicose veins, are worried you have them, or just want to learn more about them, read on for information about what they are, what they look like and why they occur.

What Is the Difference Between Normal Veins and Varicose Veins?

Veins travel all around the body and carry de-oxygenated blood back to the heart from the body. You may be able to see some of your veins, especially in your hands, and they usually are a blue color. Varicose veins are an enlarged or swollen vein and are most likely to occur in the legs or feet. Varicose veins cannot send blood back to the heart in the same way that a normal working vein can, as blood gets trapped in varicose veins, meaning not as much blood will be returned to the heart.

What Do Varicose Veins Look Like?

Varicose veins can appear blue, but also may be dark purple. If they are blue, you will still be able to tell the difference from a normal vein by their shape. They are often bulging out of the skin and may look twisted and lumpy in appearance, where the blood is trapped in the vein and pushed out into the skin. If you are unsure if you have a varicose vein, check online for what they look like.

Why Do Varicose Veins Occur?

Veins have a one-way valve, to ensure that the blood they are pumping travels back towards the heart to become oxygenated once again. If the vein becomes weaker or stretched for any reason, this valve may stop working and allow blood flow to leak back in the wrong direction. This leads to the blood accumulating in this vein, which can then become swollen or enlarged, becoming a varicose vein. These occur mostly in the legs because they are the furthest from the heart, meaning gravity is working against the veins to get the blood back to the heart, although they can be found anywhere on the body. Professionals have yet to discover why veins become weak and valves stop working, but there are some factors that may increase your chance of developing varicose veins.

This should give you an overview, but if you are concerned about varicose veins, contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best varicose vein doctor in NYC.

Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment with the best Varicose vein treatment doctor in New York City.

Can Stress Cause Varicose Veins?

We are living in a world that is getting more stressful with the passage of time. Although technology has made life easier in numerous ways, it has increased our stress levels due to various reasons. For example, having a smartphone makes you available 24/7. In case you are needed, you will be called at any hour of the night, no matter how inconvenient, and sometimes even on your vacation. It is hard to ignore that flashing light indicating new work emails when you get up. Moreover, people usually have the tendency of being very impatient and expect prompt responses to text messages.

This need to stay available all the time creates stress, which in the long run can be detrimental to your health. High stress levels can significantly impact your vascular system, causing a spike in blood pressure, heart diseases and sometimes varicose veins. A surge in blood pressure can impair vein walls causing varicose veins to appear.

Stress places a huge burden on your cardiovascular health. Therefore, it is vital for patients running a risk of venous diseases, to keep their stress levels in control. A stressful lifestyle often leads to lack of exercise, poor diet and alcohol or drug abuse, all of these undesirable habits can trigger or exacerbate vein diseases such as varicose veins, spider veins and deep vein thrombosis.

Long-term or chronic stress places excessive pressure on your veins, which may make it hard for the veins to pump blood back up to the heart, this blood will pool and cause the weak veins to swell.

People experiencing stress tend to care less for their bodies; this often leads to stress eating or too much pressure leaves little or no time for exercise. Any or both of these situations can cause people to put on weight, which adds extra pressure on their veins and weakens the venous walls. Stress-eating usually involves high intake of salty foods which can lead to high blood pressure. For people who are already vulnerable to varicose veins, this can have an adverse affect on vein health.

A majority of people resort to smoking as a coping mechanism to deal with stress. While it may offer a quick fix to stress relief, in the long run smoking greatly raises the chances of contracting a vein disease, not to mention the slew of other health problems that can ensue.

For people who have a family history of varicose veins, not a lot can be done to avoid this medical condition and varicose veins will usually appear irrespective of stress levels. That being said, there are several means of minimizing the chances of the appearance and severity of varicose veins.

The effective management of vein health in stressful circumstances usually entails treating your inner self. Begin by setting aside a few minutes every day for meditation or take frequent small walking breaks to raise the flow of blood and cognitive function. The next thing you can do is incorporate a relaxation activity like yoga, painting or reading in your daily activities.

You may find it extremely helpful to include an exercise program in your schedule; this will not only cut down stress but also boost your cardiovascular health and mitigate or prevent the development of varicose veins.

Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment with the best Varicose vein treatment doctor in New York City.

The Best Exercises for Varicose Veins

Exercises for Varicose VeinsAccording to researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, varicose veins are engorged blood vessels that are visible through your skin. They usually affect your legs and can be very painful and aesthetically unpleasant. In this condition, light to moderate exercise helps in increasing blood circulation that can significantly reduce the pain and undesirable appearance of the veins.

Sometimes exercise can retard or even prevent new varicose veins from developing. Any exercise that you choose should be performed gently, and in case you experience any discomfort or pain stop immediately. After an exercise session, it is important that you elevate and rest your legs. Here are some of the best exercises for varicose veins.

Walk Regularly

Walking is the simplest and most effecting exercise for preventing varicose veins. If you are suffering from this condition, keeping your legs in regular motion is highly recommended. Walking is a great means of enhancing the blood circulation in your legs.

Take charge of your life and give up excuses like lack of time and laziness. Don’t take that elevator, instead walk up the stairs; if your workplace is not very far, don’t take the car, walk. These apparently minor changes in your daily efforts will reap great benefits, making your legs less congested and you will feel lighter, thereby reducing any further development of varicose veins.

Start Bike Pedaling

Bike pedaling is a great exercise as it especially helps in preventing and reducing varicose veins while letting you work towards a healthier and fitter lifestyle. And if you suffer from tired legs, this exercise is just for you.

When you lie down on the floor with your back flat, keep your hands under your buttocks or, if you prefer, at your sides to prevent back overload. Then lift your legs off the floor in the air, just like you are pedaling on a bike. The higher you elevate your legs, the greater will be the circulation.

Perform Leg Lifts

Instead of the typical leg lifts that you perform in the gym, these leg lifts are geared towards improving blood circulation throughout your legs and prevent varicose veins. With your back supported lie on the ground and place your hands under your buttocks, then raise one leg maintaining it perpendicular to the floor and form an L. keep your leg in this position until you feel a sensation of blood pouring into your ankles from your feet. Repeat this exercise one leg at a time.

For completing this exercise, repeat it by lying down against a wall this time. Elevating your legs simultaneously, make an L, and lean your legs against the wall until you feel more blood circulating in your legs.

Ankle and Knee Flexing

While lying back down on the ground, raise your knee to the chest, calf bent down. Maintaining this position, roll your ankles a couple of times. Make sure you do it forcefully and slowly, not letting the foot hanging freely. Repeat numerous times, alternating legs.

Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment with the best Varicose vein treatment doctor in New York City.


The Risks of Leaving Varicose Veins Untreated

Varicose veins manifest themselves in the form of unsightly blemishes under your skin. The treatment of these dilated and enlarged veins is a lot more than just an aesthetic issue. Not treating these veins can trigger a slew of complicated medical problems. A majority of patients, who develop this condition, have symptoms like pain, itchiness, discomfort and fatigue in their legs and also report swelling of their skin. In a lot of cases, these symptoms will deteriorate with the passage of time if a patient does not seek the help of healthcare professional. In case you are suffering from this condition you should spend some time on learning about who to visit for the treatment of this condition and reflect on the dangers and risks associated with leaving this problem untreated.

Treating Varicose Veins is Important

Cases of varicose veins differ considerably from one person to another. While you may see your symptoms worsening with time, some people may face the danger of coming down with a number of life threatening conditions.


As a patient, you can’t underestimate this medical condition as it has the following risks:


If not treated properly, varicose veins cause excessive blood leaking that seeps into the tissues of your legs. You will experience painful inflammation and swelling with areas of the skin becoming discolored and dark.


If you leave the inflamed tissues of your legs unattended for long periods of time, they will become heavy and rigid. You may feel that your leg is becoming tenderer, making movement and relaxation difficult.

Venous Leg Ulcer

Varicose veins often lead to a condition which is called chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). With the passage of time CVI can evolve into what is commonly called venous leg ulcer. This ulcer causes parts of your skin to break down revealing your flesh underneath. Venous leg ulcer tends to spread and get bigger over time, which raises the irritation and discomfort in your legs.

Spontaneous Bleeding

Another risk of varicose veins is that they have the tendency to tear down the skin walls over time. The result is that varicose veins get close to the skin surface. It’s extremely risky because in some situations, even a slight scrape or scratch will lead to massive blood loss. Although the bleeding itself is not painful, patients are likely to lose a lot of blood if it is not treated.

Deep Vein Thrombosis

The most severe condition associated with varicose veins is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). You would not want to end up with this condition. In most cases, DVT causes a severe pulling sensation in your leg, which stems from blood clots. You may end up feeling as if your nerves are getting pinched with soaring swelling and redness in your leg. If that blood clot manages to travel further up your body, then this can turn into a life threatening situation.

Varicose veins is a condition that can vary from mild to extreme, if you are suffering from this condition you should get in touch with a vascular surgeon. Just call us right away to schedule an appointment with our team of experienced and qualified physicians in New York City and get instant relief.

Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment with the best Varicose vein treatment doctor in New York City.

Will Compression Stockings Help with Varicose Veins?

The use of compression stockings is one of the ways you can see improvement in varicose veins. You may have been told to use these by your doctor. While this could be one of the options available to you, it is not always effective enough. For many people, varicose veins can be more problematic than the use of stockings can help. When should you use them? Who can they help? And, what other types of treatment may you need as your varicose veins worsen?

What Are Compression Stockings?

When it comes to wearing compression stockings, they may not be as bad as they sound. These are like socks, but they are a bit tighter than what you may expect. They come up over your lower leg and can extend to the knee. They create gentle pressure on your legs. In doing so, they help to reduce the amount of swelling that happens there and, instead, help to encourage blood flow up to the heart through your veins.

Will Compression Stockings Help with Varicose Veins?If you have varicose veins, this means that your veins are loose and no longer as tight as they should be. The slack in your veins has allowed for blood to flow backward into your veins. It can also pool. When this happens, it creates a situation in which the veins bulge and twist. This is what creates varicose veins. When it happens, it can be due to the loose veins from the added pressure from within your veins. By using compression stockings, you create more pressure from the outside, helping to keep the veins in place and working the way they should.

Keep in mind that compression stockings are a good preventative tool for worsening symptoms. However, they will not cure your varicose veins. Additionally, they will only provide enough support and protection for you if your varicose veins are minor and not large. If they are larger or there are many of them, your varicose vein doctor may recommend additional treatment options. Several options exist that can help reduce and even eliminate the presence of these veins on your legs.

If you have varicose veins, you can see improvement in many cases, using compression stockings. However, you should meet with our experienced varicose vein doctor in Manhattan, New York to learn more about your additional treatment options that can help you get rid of them for good.

Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment with the best Varicose vein treatment doctor in New York City.

Are Varicose Veins Dangerous?

Many people want to treat varicose veins due to cosmetic reasons, but there are many more reasons apart from their unsightly appearance to treat these blemishes on your skin. Varicose veins that are left untreated can cause mild to severe symptoms, depending on the person, and can even become life-threatening.


If the tissues within the skin are swollen or inflamed for a long period of time, it may cause Lipodermatosclerosis, which is an inflammation of the subcutaneous fat. This usually occurs due to venous insufficiency, which is what varicose veins cause due to insufficient blood flow through the veins. The legs may feel sore and swollen and the tissue will feel hard around the leg. This can cause many other conditions such as edema.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

This is the most severe condition caused by varicose veins, hence why they should be treated. Many patients complaining of a “pulling sensation” in their leg and this is caused by a blood clot due to the build-up of blood in the vein. If this blood clot travels up further in the body, especially to the heart, lungs or brain, it can cause life-threatening injuries, as insufficient oxygen is delivered.


When varicose veins are left untreated for a long period of time, it can cause excess blood to leak into the tissues of the affected area. This will cause painful inflammation and swelling of the tissue and the skin can become discolored and dark. Once hyperpigmentation occurs on the skin, it can be hard to get rid of. Although usually medically harmless to the body, it can cause body confidence issues for many people.

Superficial Thrombophlebitis

Superficial Thrombophlebitis is another inflammatory condition caused by a blood clot in the veins beneath the skin. This affects the vein more than the surface of the skin, although the skin may become red around the affected area. The vein may feel very sensitive to touch, which can cause ongoing discomfort. Left untreated, this can cause other complications such as cellulitis, which is a skin infection caused by bacteria.

Leaving varicose veins untreated can cause many other problems within the veins and surrounding tissues. Many problems that occur are very similar and it can be hard to know which one you are suffering from.

Getting treated for varicose veins is always the safest option, so schedule an appointment with the best varicose vein doctor in NYC today.

Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment with the best Varicose vein treatment doctor in New York City.

What Are Trunk Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are twisted, lengthened and sometimes tortuous veins that tend to occur on the legs. When this occurs, the vein’s change in size and shape causes the veins to protrude from the skin, making the vein easily seen on the skin just under the outer layer. There are various types of veins that can exhibit this type of abnormality and all of these veins should be seen as a risk. Talk to your doctor about them as soon as you notice them to ensure that they are not a danger to your health.

What Are Trunk Veins?

Trunk veins are those that are located in the trunk of the body, or that stem from this area and run into the arms. Trunk veins can be larger and can be more dangerous in terms of treatment when varicose veins form on them or from them. About 40 percent of varicose veins occur in the trunk for men and about 2 percent occur for women.

Varicose veins like these result in a number of different symptoms. Each one is different based on the patient and the location. Most men, though, only have one symptom associated with these types of varicose veins. That is itching. Women tend to have more significant types of symptoms for trunk veins. This can include tension, itching, and heaviness. They can also ache and cause significant pain and discomfort for the woman.

What to Do About Them

When you are faced with a diagnosis of trunk varicose veins, it is essential that you schedule an appointment with a specialized doctor for treatment in these veins. In doing so, you will be able learn if your varicose veins need treatment. This is often dependent on a number of factors including whether or not the vein is causing symptoms, the size of it, the location of it, and any types of complications you may already be having such as ulcers or blood clots.

Take a few minutes to discuss your options with an experienced varicose vein doctor. Our team will meet with you to discuss your specific case and then determine what your options are for treatment. In nearly all cases, you can have treatment to reduce any of the symptoms you are experiencing.

Schedule a consultation with our varicose vein doctor in our Manhattan, New York office at 212-993-6133 to discuss what your options are.

Vein Stripping for Varicose Veins

Could vein stripping for varicose veins be the right option for you? There are many ways to treat varicose veins and you should take the time necessary to consider them all. For many patients, vein stripping is the best option available. The more you know about your options, the more likely you are to see that you can improve the way your skin looks and feels. Our varicose veins doctor in Manhattan can help you to do just that.

What Is Vein Stripping?

Vein stripping is a method used to tie off or remove a large vein. This is usually done on the leg. It is often done to superficial saphenous veins. These are the most common veins that need this type of treatment because they develop into varicose veins. The process takes about two hours or less to complete and it can provide you with significant improvement.

The procedure is done using general or spinal anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor will make two or three cuts into the impacted leg. These are placed at the top, mid portion, and bottom of the damaged vein. Then, the doctor will thread a thin plastic wire into the vein toward the position of the varicose vein. The wire is tied to the vein and the vein is pulled out through the lower cut. It is then closed up with stitches.

Why Consider Vein Stripping?

You may want to have this procedure if you have leg pain or the feeling of heaviness in the leg. You may need it if your varicose veins are causing difficulty for blood to flow through the veins property. There is a risk of blood clots and significant swelling as a result of these veins as well, which this treatment can eliminate. In addition, some people have this procedure when they have larger sized varicose veins that create a poor appearance.

This procedure is often sought out when other types of treatments for varicose veins do not work or are unavailable.

Do not overlook this procedure or other procedures to treat varicose veins. When you take the time to learn about this procedure or others, you may be quite impressed with the benefits and the ease of the treatment options. You can get your legs back!

Call our Manhattan, New York varicose vein doctor today at 212-993-6133 to learn more about your options in treatment and care.