Norman Chideckel MD Vein Center

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)

When the venous wall or the vein-valves in your legs are not as effective, chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) can occur. As a result, blood cannot travel from your legs to the heart with ease. CVI causes blood to overfill in the veins. Stasis is the medical term for the pooling of blood in the veins

Damage in the valve might occur because of old age, sitting for long periods, or standing for extended periods. When the valves and veins are weak, stable blood circulation is difficult, and it can lead to CVI.

Causes of Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)

CVI usually occurs because of DVT (Deep vein thrombosis). In DVT, blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs, which then cause CVI. Another reason for the occurrence of CVT could be pelvic tumors or vascular malformations. Sometimes, there is no specific cause for the condition. The swelling of legs can also occur because of the valves failing to hold blood, which can lead to the slow movement of blood out of the veins.


Symptoms of CVI may include:

  • Ulcers on the leg that can be difficult to treat
  • Varicose veins are one of the key symptoms
  • Severe pain in the legs or itchiness in the calves
  • Restless leg syndrome is also a symptom you should keep an eye out for; in restless leg syndrome, as the name suggests there is an urge to move your legs
  • Feeling a shooting pain when you start walking but then the pain stops as you sit down.
  • Painful cramping in the legs or spasms in the muscle because of CVI; often known as charley horse
  • Skin changes
  • Swelling


  • Medicines:The medicines that thin out your blood and thus increase blood flow through the vessels have proven to be helpful. Healthcare professionals recommend that you treat the condition alongside compression therapy to help heal leg ulcers. A dose of 300mg of Asprin can also be effective when treating CVI.
  • Improving Blood Circulation: Exercising and working out is the first recommendation from health care providers because they are the more natural ways to help with CVT. Exercises such as cycling, running, swimming, and walking help increase blood flow and make it easier for the heart to pump blood as well.
  • RFA: Radio frequency ablation is a minor invasive procedure; a heat-radiating tube treats the affected vein, which in turn closes the vein that was once open. This way, less blood overfills the leg and the blood flow improves naturally.
  • Surgery: This option is for severe cases. The type of surgery doctors perform for this treatment is Ligation. The surgeon ties the affected vein or removes the valve if it is not working properly.

Final Verdict

The severity of each case helps decide the right treatment for the patient. You should always make sure you go to a trusted healthcare professional for the best results and treatment options. CVI is not a life-threatening illness. However, it can be the cause of a lot of discomfort and pain in the patient’s life. For this reason, you should visit Dr. Norman Chideckel, M.D. for a confidential consultation.

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